Meet "Boss Belle" Victoria Niño

Founder/CEO & Certified Makeup Artist
Instagram #vanitybellevictoria


The secret to happy clients is quite simple —       do the best you possibly can and be nice to everyone. A true artist is dedicated to the art form. This dedication comes from a deeply personal place. The desire to create and uncover beauty is not something you can easily teach others. You are born with it. It comes from within.

Favorite Part of Your Job: The transformation. At my core, I am an artist and each beautiful woman I work with is a like a fresh canvas. I treat my clients with the seriousness and dedication of a painter finishing their masterpiece. There are few moments as thrilling as the first few seconds after a client looks in the mirror and gets a glimpse at her new self. It brings me so much joy. Every woman should get to experience that feeling.

Secret Weapon: My brushes, I don’t leave home without them! Whether it’s painting a canvas, a face or a body, my brushes are what make the magic. Some might say, I am a little obsessed with blending. My artists always laugh when I say “just when you think you are done blending, blend some more!” Blending makes things look so smooth and natural.

Breaking the Ice: I love meeting new people and hearing their stories — it gives you a new perspective on your own life. I used to keep a journal of all the random quotes I would get from complete strangers. I still look back on it and read them from time to time. There is always something to learn from someone else, even years later when you’ve grown enough to understand their perspective.

Something You Might Not Know About Me: I love an elaborate party — especially one with a great theme. I’ll be throwing theme parties and dressing in costumes until I’m old and gray. Life is supposed to be fun!